Second Debt by Pepper Winters

Series: Indebted Series 3#
„I tried to play a game. I tried to wield deceit as perfectly as the Hawks. But when I thought I was winning, I wasn't. Jethro isn't what he seems – he's the master of duplicity. However, I refuse to let him annihilate me further.” Nila Weaver has grown from naïve seamstress to full-blown fighter. Every humdrum object is her arsenal, and sex…sex is her greatest weapon of all. She's paid the First Debt. She'll probably play more. But she has no intention of letting the Hawks win. Jethro Hawk has found more than a worthly adversary in Nila – he's found the woman who could destroy him. There's a fine line between hatred and love, and an even finer path between fear and respect. The fate of his house rests on his shoulders, but no matter how much ice lives inside his heart, Nila flames too bright to be extinguished.

My Review:
OMG! I loved it so much!  And the ending was brilliant! Thanks God I have the next book, because I need it right now!
"I'd taken her, but ultimately, she' d taken me. I'd tried to destroy her, but serendipitously, she'd destroyed me. This was the beginning of the end. Not the end of my feelings for her bet the way of my life, my world. Something would have to change. Something would have to give .... Someone would have to die."~Jethro
Jethro opened up in this book. We didn't know his secret, but it was something big... But he had feelings. He started to fall in love too. He suffered during the second debt, because he loved Nila. 
"She'd found a way to stay fundamentally true to her family, all while I drifted further and further from mine. Where I was melting and losing myself, she was forming into a defiantly stronger person."~Jethro
"One moment I hated her for dragging me from where I'd existed all my life, but the next, I wanted to kiss her for showing me an alternative to how I'd been living."~Jethro
Nila changed a lot in this book. First she hated all the Hawks, and wanted their death. 
"I breathed revenge. I ate vengeance.All I saw was hate."~Nila
But later she became to know Jethro more and she fell in love too. She undersood Jethro. She knew he suffered a lot because of the debts, and that he didn't want to hurt her, but he had no choice. She forgave Jethro. And because of Jethro she became stronger.
"Ironically, I was the one about to be hurt-made to pay a debt I had no notion of-yet he was the one most in pain."~Nila
She wanted Jethro and hoped Jethro stopped this before her death, so they could be together.
I loved this 'new' Jethro! 
“You will let me inside you. And you will let me own you. You will, because we don’t have a choice. You’re inside me. Don't you get it? You’re inside ME and it’s only fair that I’m inside you"~Jethro
"I may be born  Hawk, but I've been captured by a Weaver."~Jethro 
 “Nila was the culprit—my undoing. She melted me. She was the fucking sun. And I was about to splash out her heat.” ~Jethro
 “Kiss me,Nila. (...)  Let me bring you back to life."~Jethro

Istenem! Nagyon szerettem ezt a könyvet! A befejezés pedig kitűnő volt. Hála Istennek meg van a következő rész, mert szükségem van rá, azonnal!

Jethro megnyílt ebben a részben. A titkát nem tudjuk még, de valami nagy dolog lehet. De vannak érzései. Ő is szerelmes lett. Szenvedett a második adósság behajtásánál, mert szereti Nilát.
Nila sokat változott a történet során. Először utálta a Hawk család valamennyi tagját, és a halálukat akarta. 
De aztán jobban megismerte Jethrot és beleszeretett. Megértette őt. Tudja, hogy sokat szenved az adósságok miatt, és hogy Jethro nem akarja bántani, de nincs más választása. Megbocsát neki. És Jethro miatt erősebb lett mint valaha.
Akarja Jethrot, és reméli, hogy Jethro véget vet mindennek, még mielőtt Nila meghalna.
Szerettem ezt az 'új' Jethrot! 

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