BANE by L. J. Shen ~Blog Tour & ARC Review



Bane, the highly-anticipated next standalone in the Sinners of Saint Series by L.J. Shen is LIVE


Naked surfer. Habitual pothead. A con, a liar, a thief and a fraud.

Last I heard, he was extorting the rich and screwing their wives for a living.

Which is why I’m more than a little surprised to find him at my threshold, looking for my friendship, my services, and most puzzling of all—looking humbled.

Thing is, I’m on a boycott. Literally—I cut boys from my life. Permanently.

Problem is, Bane is not a boy, he is all man, and I’m falling, crashing, drowning in his sweet, perfect lies.

Jesse Carter

Hot as hell, cold as ice.

I wasn’t aware of her existence until a fat, juicy deal landed in my lap.

She’s a part of it, a little plaything to kill some time.

She is collateral, a means to an end, and a side-bonus for striking a deal with her oil tycoon stepdad.

More than anything, Jesse Carter is a tough nut to crack.

Little does she know, I have the f****** teeth for it.


Bane Then. A liar. A con. A godless thief. My reputation was a big wave that I rode, one that swallowed everyone around me, drowning every attempt to fuck with what’s mine. I’d been known as a stoner, but power was my real drug of choice. Money meant nothing. It was tangible, and therefore easy to lose. See, to me, people were a game. One I’d always known how to win. Move the rooks around. Change the queen when necessary. Guard the king at all fucking times. I was never distracted, never deterred, and never jealous. So, imagine my surprise when I found myself being all three at once. It was a siren with coal black hair who robbed me of riding the biggest wave I’d seen that summer. Of my precious attention. Of my goddamn breath. She glided from the ocean to the beach like nightfall. I crouched down, straddling my surfboard, gawking. Edie and Beck stopped beside me, floating on their boards in my periphery. “This one’s taken by Emery Wallace,” Edie had warned. Thief. “This one’s the hottest masterpiece in town.” Beck had chuckled. Con. “More importantly, she only dates rich bastards.” Liar. I had all the ingredients to pull her in. Her body was a patch of fresh snow. White, fair, like the sun shone through her, never quite soaking in. Her skin defied nature, her ass defied my sanity, but it was the words on her back that made my logic rebel. It wasn’t her curves or the way she swayed her hips like a dangling, poisonous apple that warranted my reaction to her. It was that tattoo I had noticed when she swam close to me earlier, the words trickling down the nape of her neck and back in a straight arrow. My Whole Life Has Been Pledged to This Meeting with You Pushkin. I only knew one person who went gaga over the Russian poet, and, like the famous Alexander, he was currently six feet under. My friends began to paddle back to shore. I couldn’t move. It felt like my balls were ten tons heavy. I didn’t believe in love at first sight. Lust, maybe, but even that wasn’t the word I was looking for. No. This girl fucking intrigued me. “What’s her name?” I snatched Beck’s ankle, yanking him back to me. Edie stopped pedaling and looked back, her gaze ping-ponging between us. “Doesn’t matter, bro.” “What’s. Her. Name?” I repeated through a locked jaw. “Dude, she’s, like, way young.” “I will not repeat myself a third time.” Beck’s throat bobbed with a swallow. He knew damn well that I didn’t mess around. If she was legal—it was on. “Jesse Carter.” Jesse Carter was going to be mine before she even knew me. Before I even knew her. Before her life turned upside down and her fate rewrote itself with her blood. So here was the truth that even my lying ass wouldn’t admit later on in our story—I wanted her before. Before she became business. Before the truth caged her in. Before the secrets gushed out. I never did get to surf that day. My surfboard broke. Should have known it was an omen. My heart was going to be next in line. And for a small chick, she did one hell of a fucking job obliterating it.

My Review:
Falling in love is when you lose yourself slowly, piece by piece. Infatuation is when you lose yourself all at one.
I never thought I'd love this book so much, especially in the beginning of the book. Bane wasn't my number1 character in the series. He was a thief, a liar, a pothead, a whore. But I became fond of him. Yes. Because he changed a lot. First in his life he fell in love. 
Don't fall in love. Fall off a bidge. It hurts less.
I loved how he helped Jesse, and how he fought with his feelings, with his lust. It was really good to read his POV. 
Here's the thing about life: most of time, you're in motion, so you don't really know what's happening around you. You are simply reacting to situations, and that's why said that your life is actually nothing but a collection of your decisions. But sometimes, life is more than that. Sometimes, it's a puzzle that falls into place with a click.
But I think the main character in this book was Jesse. She went through a lot, and needed help, but her family didn't help her. I loved her character because she was really strong, this princess helped herself, she didn't really needed a savior. 
You don't need a prince, princess. You need a sword.
But of course she started to live again thanks to Bane. Who knew? The badboy, the thief, the liar became the perfect friend for a broken girl. Bane helped her live again, he made Jesse leave the house and work. It was a huge step. 
Snow White waited for the prince. You'll be the one saving yourself in this story.
I loved that she was so strong-minded and she was the one who 'seduced' Bane. Bane wanted to stay away from Jesse sexually because of her past, and he knew that she deserved more than a whore and criminal. But they couldn't stay away from each other, I loved to read how their relationship developed.
Love is like ivy. It wraps around you, chokes every part of you quietly. It is not patient, or kind, or gentle. It is needy, cunnig and suffocating.
Honestly this book take me by surprise. I never thought I fell in love with Bane and his story. This wasn't a light-hearted story, this was a heartbreaking, emotional love story. 
I loved it! 5*! But honestly I think the cover doesn't fit the story, I can't imagine Bane like the cover, instead I see a blonde surfer guy... But this didn't bother me, I LOVED THE STORY!


Nem gondoltam volna, hogy ez a könyv ennyire fog tetszeni, főleg a könyv elején. Bane nem volt a szívem csücske eddig. Bane egy hazug, füves, tolvaj, egy hímringyó volt. De megkedveltem! Igen, belopta magát a szívembe! Azért, mert nagyon sokat változott. Életében először szerelmes lett és ez megváltoztatta.
Nagyon jó volt olvasni az ő nézőpontját. Tetszett, ahogy segített Jessenek és harcolt saját érzelmeivel és vonzalmával Jesse érdekében.
Viszont úgy gondolom hogy a könyv főszereplője Jesse volt, aki nagyon sok szörnyűségen ment keresztül. Segítségre volt szüksége, amit a családjától nem kapott meg. Nagyon megszerettem a karakterét, mert egy igazán erős nőről van szó. Ez a hercegnő magát mentette meg, nem volt szüksége megmentőre.
De persze Bane volt az oka, amiért újra elkezdett élni. Ki gondolta volna? A rosszfiú segített neki és tökletes barátja lett a megtört lánynak. Bane hatására kezdett újra kimozdulni a házból és dolgozni is kezdett. Ez hatalmas lépés volt számára.
Imádtam, hogy Jesse határozott volt, és gyakorlatilag ő 'csábította' el Bane-t. Bane távol akarta tartani magát szexuálisan Jessetől a múltja miatt. Tudta, hogy Jesse többet érdemel egy olyan bűnöző pasinál, mint ő. De nem tudtak egymástól távol maradni, nagyon jó volt olvasni, ahogy a kapcsolatuk fokozatosan fejlődött.
Őszintén szólva ez a könyv meglepett. Nem gondoltam volna, hogy megszeretem Bane-t és a történetét. Nem egy könnyed történet, hanem egy szívszorító, érzelmekkel teli love story.
Szerettem és 5 csillagot kap tőlem! Hogy őszinte legyek szerintem a borító nem illik a sztorihoz, inkább egy szőke szörföst tudtam volna elképzelni a borítón. De ez abszolút nem zavart, imádtam a könyvet!

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About LJ Shen

L.J. Shen is an International #1 best-selling author of Contemporary Romance and New Adult novels. She lives in Northern California with her husband, young son and chubby cat. Before she’d settled down, L.J. (who thinks referring to herself in the third person is really silly, by the way) traveled the world, and collected friends from all across the globe. Friends who’d be happy to report that she is a rubbish companion, always forgets peoples’ birthdays and never sends Christmas cards. She enjoys the simple things in life, like spending time with her family and friends, reading, HBO, Netflix and internet-stalking Stephen James. She reads between three to five books a week and firmly believes Crocs shoes and mullets should be outlawed.

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