THE BOY AND HIS RIBBON by Pepper Winters~Blog Tour & ARC Review

The Boy & His Ribbon by Pepper Winters 
The Ribbon Duet Book 1 
Publication Date: April 3rd, 2018 
Genre: Coming of Age Romance
“What do you do when you meet your soul mate? No wait…that’s too easy. What do you do when you meet your soul mate and have to spend a lifetime loving him in secret?
I’ll tell you what you do.
You lie.”
Ren was eight when he learned that love doesn’t exist—that the one person who was supposed to adore him only cared how much he was worth.
His mother sold him and for two years, he lived in terror.
But then…he ran.
He thought he’d run on his own. Turned out, he took something of theirs by accident and it became the one thing he never wanted and the only thing he ever needed.
I was young when I fell in love with him, when he switched from my world to my everything.
My parents bought him for cheap labour, just like they had with many other kids, and he had the scars to prove it.
At the start, he hated me, and I could understand why.
For years he was my worst enemy, fiercest protector, and dearest friend.
But by the end…he loved me.
The only problem was, he loved me in an entirely different way to the way I loved him.
And slowly, my secret drove us apart.
My Review:
I don't know what to write about this book. It's so hard to write a review about this story. Why? Because it's so different from Pepper Winter's other books. I don't think it's a romance, but it's about love, caring and family.
I'm a living proof that a heart can be broken a thousand times and still function, still keep you alive— desperately hoping that it won’t happen again, all the while knowing it will.
This book is about two children. Ren was 10 years old in the beginning of the story. He was smart, went through awful things, but he was strong too. He escaped from slavery, and he was on his own and survived in the wild, because he was so smart. But he ended up with a little baby, Della.  He cared for her, and he became fond of her. The connection between Ren and Della was amazing. They loved each other like family, like they were siblings. Ren fostered Della and gave her everything what he could. It was an unbelievable story about two kids on their own. The story was interesting, and sometimes I couldn't put it down because I wanted to know how they survived. 
I think the story was well written, the author wrote perfectly about what would feel a kid in these situations.  The book was written in alternate POVs. So we could understand the characters more. And yes, the characters started to feel more about each other.... Now I don't know what I want to happen with them.... I'm waiting for the next book 😉

Először nem tudtam milyen értékelést írjak a könyvről. Nem egyszerű erről a történetről értékelést írnom. Miért is? Mert ez teljesen más könyv, mint amilyet Pepper Winters írni szokott. Nem mondanám egy romantikus könyvnek, de szeretetről, törődésről, családról szól.
A történet két főszereplője két gyerek, Ren és Della. Ren mindössze 10 éves volt mikor a történet elején megismertük. Okos volt és erős, szörnyű dolgokon ment keresztül. De meg tudott menekülni a rabszolgaságtól és életben maradt a 'vadonban', éppen azért mert értelmes, okos gyerek volt. De végül nem volt egyedül, ugyanis összehozta a sors egy kisbabával, Dellával. Törődött vele, és megszerette. Ren és Della közötti kapcsolat csodálatos volt, úgy szerették egymást, mintha testvérek lennének. Ren mindent megadott Dellának amit csak tudott, ő nevelte fel. Ez egy hihetetlen történet két gyerekről, akik maguk nevelkedtek, egyedül nőttek fel. A történet érdekes volt, annyira, hogy valamikor nem tudtam letenni a könyvet, annyira kíváncsi voltam, hogy hogyan élik túl.
Nagyon jól megírt történet, az írónő nagyon jól szemléltette, hogy mit mehettek keresztül a gyerekek egyes szituációkban. Váltott nézőpontban íródott, ami lehetővé tette, hogy még jobban megérthessük a szereplőket.
És végül igen, a szereplők elkezdtek egyszerű testvéri szeretetnél többet is érezni egymás iránt... És hogy őszinte legyek, most nem tudom mit akarok, mi történjen. Várom a következő könyvet! 😉

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About the Author:
Pepper Winters is a multiple New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today International Bestseller.
After chasing her dreams to become a full-time writer, Pepper has earned recognition with awards for best Dark Romance, best BDSM Series, and best Hero. She’s an multiple #1 iBooks bestseller, along with #1 in Erotic Romance, Romantic Suspense, Contemporary, and Erotica Thriller. With 19 books currently published, she has hit the bestseller charts twenty-six times in three years.
Pepper is a Hybrid Author of both Traditional and Self-published work. Her Pure Corruption Series was released by Grand Central, Hachette.
Her books have garnered foreign interest and are currently being translated into numerous languages, including already released titles in Italian and Turkish. Audio Books for her entire back-list will be available in 2017.

Connect with the Author:
Twitter: @PepperWinters 
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