DRIVE by Kate Stewart


Music . . . the heart’s greatest librarian.

The average song is three and a half minutes long; those three and a half minutes could lead to a slow blink, a glimpse of the past, or catapult the soul into heart-shattering nostalgia.
At the height of my career, I had the life I wanted, the life I’d always envisioned. I’d found my tempo, my rhythm. Then I received a phone call that left me off key.
You see, my favorite songs had a way of playing simultaneously. I was in love with one man’s beats and another’s lyrics. But when it came to the soundtrack of a life, how could anyone choose a favorite song? So, to erase any doubt, I ditched my first-class ticket and decided to take a drive, fixed on the rearview.
Two days.
One playlist.
And the long road home to the man who was waiting for me.

My Review:
5 amazing stars! I loved it! 
Living for a man is the quickest way to get lost.
A Latina girl, a talented rock star, a successful man, a love triangle. 
Love doesn't die, even when you stop feeding it. There is no expiration date on the ache of missing someone you shared your heart, life and body with.
Stella fell for two different kind of guy. One of them was a vulnerable, talented musician. A sexy drummer with tattoos. Their relationship couldn't really unfold, but they had connection, music. 
I fell in love with Reid in the beginning. He was in a really shitty place when he met Stella, but Stella changed him, 'saved' him. I loved him. 💓

Nate was a successful man, he had his own paper. A hot boss in suit. Stella started working for the paper. First they became friends, later their feelings developed. I loved how patient was Nate. They started a relationship, Nate was lovable, made Stella happy, he did everything for her. A loved him too. 💓

I could understand Stella's feelings. Her relationship with Reid didn't end properly, she didn't stop loving Reid, but she really loved Nate, she loved their life.
I loved Nate Butler. Enough to marry him and keep the life we'd built, the story we started. And I loved Reid Crowne with passion very few people experience in their lifetime. (...) Torn. In love with two worthy kings, and I was queen of the damned.

I loved this book, because I didn't know which guy she end up with. In one chapter I thought she would end up with Nate, in the other I thought she would be with Reid. This made the story so exciting, I couldn't put it down!

I loved this book, and I want more. I became fond of Ben, and I want to read his story! And I won't tell which guy stayed with Stella, but I want the other guy's story too. I want to know that he find someone, who he love as much as he loved Stella, or more. I want to read his happily ever after. 💓
I would go to my grave thinking closure was bullshit. I knew better. There was only letting go. And I knew better than anyone that letting go was more of a feat than making peace with goodbye, which is all closure was. I could never make peace with goodbye. Goodbyes hurt, but letting go felt amazing.

5 fantasztikus csillag! Szerettem ezt a könyvet!
Figyelmeztetés: egy szerelmi háromszögről szól a könyv! 
Stella két teljesen különböző pasiba szeretett bele. Egyikük egy sebezhető, tehetséges zenész. Egy szexi, tetkós dobos. Az ő kapcsolatuk nem igazán tudott kibontakozni, de volt közöttük egy erős kapocs, a zene. Már a legelején belezúgtam Reid karakterébe. Mikor Stellával találkozott elég rossz passzban volt, de Stella megváltoztatta, 'megmentette' őt. Szerettem Reid-et. 💓
Nate egy sikeres pasi, akinek saját újságja van. Egy szexi öltönyös főnök. Stella elkezdett az újságnak írni, előbb barátok lettek, majd fokozatosan erősödtek az érzelmeik. Nagyon tetszett, hogy Nate milyen türelmes volt. Aztán összejöttek, Nate szeretnivaló volt, boldoggá tette Stellát, mindent megtett érte. Szerettem Nate-t is. 💓
Megértettem Stella érzéseit. Reid-el való kapcsolata nem zárult le teljesen, továbbra is szerette, de őszintén szerette Nate-t is, szerette az életüket.
Szerettem ezt a könyvet, mert nem tudtam, hogy végül melyik pasival marad. Egyik fejezetben azt hittem, hogy Nate lesz az akivel végül együtt marad, a másik fejezetben meg úgy éreztem, hogy Reid-et választja. És ez nagyon izgalmassá tette a könyvet. alig tudtam letenni!
Nagyon szerettem ezt a könyvet és többet akarok! Nagyon megkedveltem Ben karakterét és olvasni akarom az ő sztoriját is! Nem mondom el, hogy melyik pasinál kötött ki végül Stella, de a másik pasinak is szeretném olvasni a könyvét! Olvasni akarok arról, hogy ő is megtalálta a párját, akit annyira vagy még jobban szeret mint Stellát.

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