SOULLESS by T. M. Frazier

Series: King #4
The finale to Bear and Thia's epic love story.

My Review:
WOW! Just WOW! 
This book was amazing!  I don't know whether King's or Bear's story is my favorite. 
We deserved our chance at life. At love. At figuring out what any of this meant. It was far from a romance. But it was still a love story. And it was ours.
I LOVED Bear! 💓This book was so interesting. It was like an episode from Sons of Anarchy. I couldn't put it down!
On my bike, with Logan's Beach blurring around me, I became the soulless monster who was willing to spill rivers full of blood for my girl.
Bear found himself again. He didn't become soft, a pussy. Love didn't change him like that. He stayed a badass guy he was before. He wanted Thia, and did everything for her. He became her hero. 
I miss the way you make me feel like  a person of the world, instead of a problem in it.
Thia became stronger. It wasn't easy for her to be with a man like Bear. Bear was a biker, a murderer, he did illegal things. But she couldn't help it, she fell for him.
Bear was as beautiful as he was hard. He was as complex as he was simple. He was both the storm and the calm. The fear and the solace. The rage and the peace. My life and my love.
I think the cover's of the books were fitting. I totally could imagine Bear like the model on the cover. 
I loved their story, it became my favorite! 5*
We're not given forever. We're given just a finite amount of time on this earth. It's up to us to decide how we are going to spend that time, and who we are going to spend it with. (...) Home is where you feel the most like yourself. Home is the thing that makes you happiest during this very short life. The person who makes you the happiest.
And the ending was again epic! I thought I would stop this series for now, but after this ending... I have the urge to buy the other books in the series!  😄

WOW! Ez a könyv fantasztikus volt! Nem tudom megmondani, hogy King vagy Bear története-e a kedvencem.
Egyszerűen imádtam Bear-t! 💓 Ez a könyv nagyon érdekes volt, olyan volt mintha egy részt néztem volna a Kemény motorosok című sorozatból. Nem tudtam letenni!
Bear újra rátalált önmagára. Nem lett puhány, nem lett nyálas, szerelmes pasi. A szerelem nem változtatta meg ilyen szempontból. Ugyanaz a tökös pasi maradt, aki korábban volt. Thiát akarta, mindent megtett érte, gyakorlatilag a hőse lett.
Thia erősebb lett mint valaha. Nem volt egyszerű neki egy olyan pasival lennie, mint Bear.  Bear egy kemény motoros, egy gyilkos, egy férfi aki illegális dolgokat csinál. De nem tehetett róla, beleszeretett.
Szerintem a könyvek borítói nagyon passzolnak a történethez. Beart teljesen el tudom úgy képzelni úgy, mint a pasit a borítón.
Nagyon szerettem a történetüket, kedvenc lett!
Na és a befejezés egyszerűen fenomenális volt! Eddig úgy gondoltam, hogy most szüneteltetem a sorozat folytatását, de kíváncsivá tett ennek a könyvnek a vége. Azt kell mondjam, hogy meg akarom venni a sorozat többi részét is! 😄

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