Series: The Record Series #1
Liz ​Dougherty has no idea that a single question is about to change her life.
Her first big reporting assignment for her North Carolina college newspaper has her covering a state senator’s impromptu press conference. Brady Maxwell may have everything it takes to be a politician—a winning pedigree, devastating good looks, a body made to wear suits—but his politics rub Liz the wrong way. When Liz’s hard-hitting question catches the upstart senator off-guard, it impresses Hayden Lane, Liz’s editor who feels she’s headed for a promising career as a reporter.
But Liz is also headed into a secret romance with Brady that could destroy both their ambitions. Though he’s a bachelor, potential voters might frown on Brady cozying up to a reporter. And Liz isn’t sure sneaking around is enough for her—especially when things between her and Hayden might be less platonic than she thought.
K.A. Linde’s Record series begins with a sleek, sexy, and smart venture into a high-stakes political campaign and an even higher-stakes affair that, in the end, will leave you wanting more with one of Linde’s gripping cliffhangers.

My Review:
I love this book! I read it twice now. It's a really hot story about a forbidden relationship, with a lot of angst. I love the author's books because of this. I always feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster.
Liz is a college reporter. She wrote a really mean article about Senator Brady Maxwell. Then they met.... They were attracted to each other. Brady wanted to be with her, so he had a proposal: be together in secret. 
I'm giving you what I can give you, and I'm telling you in advance that you might get hurt. But it's worth it to take the risk. I can damn well promise you that it's worth it.
It wasn't a bad thing when it was about just the sex. But of course they started to open up to each other, started to feel. The story became more interesting after this. 
I totally could understand both of them. Liz wanted to be more than a hidden lover. I understood why she wanted to be out in the open. She wanted to be able to hold hands with Brady, walking in public with him, she wanted to be by his side on political events. I understood this, but I also understood why she stayed hidden, why she agreed to be a secret, because she loved Brady, and wanted him to reach his dreams. 
His voice was like an addiction—pulling you in, making you crave more, making you feel as if you could never get enough.
Brady fought the same problems, he had a lot of work, he had dreams, and here came a woman who he couldn't resist. He wanted everything, won the election and a secret relationship with Liz, but he knew that Liz was hurting because of this.
I’ll be up-front with you. I might hurt you. You’re going in knowing that. I’m choosing the campaign. I’m choosing Congress, because it’s what I want and what I believe in. Nothing, no one is getting in the way of me and the House of Representatives.
So sometimes I wanted them together, to be together in secret till the election ends. But sometimes I just wanted Brady or Liz to end this between them, and after the election they could meet again if they wanted to, because they were hurting like this.
I loved the last chapter, because we could read about Brady's thoughts too. 💓
Brady Maxwell won my vote! 

Nagyon szeretem ezt a könyvet! Már másodjára olvastam! Ez egy titkolt kapcsolatról szóló forró szerelmi történet!Ahogy már az írónőtől megszokhattam, most is egy érzelmi hullámvasúton utaztam. Ezért szeretem a könyveit.
Liz fősulis, ahol riporterként tevékenykedik. Ír egy nem túl kedves cikket Brady Maxwell szenátorról. Aztán találkoznak... Egyből izzik köztük a levegő, vonzódnak egymáshoz. Brady együtt akar lenni Liz-zel, ezért tesz egy ajánlatot: Legyenek együtt titokban.
A titkos kapcsolat nem is volt olyan rossz dolog, mindaddig míg csak szexről volt szó. De természetesen ahogy telt az idő, elkezdtek megnyílni egymásnak, elkezdtek érezni. Ezután vált igazán érdekessé  történet.
A történet folyamán teljesen át tudtam élni mit érezhettek. Megértettem Lizt, hogy miért akarta felvállalni a kapcsolatot nyilvánosan. Vágyott rá hogy nyilvánosan megjelenhessenek nem csak hétköznapokon kézen fogva, hanem politikai eseményeken is. Szóval megértettem ezt, de azt is megértettem miért ment bele abba hogy titokban folytassanak viszonyt. Mert szerette Brady-t, és azt akarta, hogy megvalósíthassa álmait.
Brady is hasonló cipőben járt. Sok munkája mellett, megjelent egy nő, akinek nem tudott ellenállni. Mindent akart, megnyerni a választást, és akarta a kapcsolatot Lizzel, annak ellenére, hogy tudta, hogy Liz emiatt szenved.
Szóval néha azt akartam, hogy maradjanak csak együtt titokban míg le nem zajlik a választás, de máskor azt kívántam bárcsak Brady vagy Liz véget vetne a kettejük kapcsolatának, mert így mindketten szenvednek. Legfeljebb a választásig. Aztán ha mindketten akarják, akkor újrakezdhetnek mindent...
Az utolsó fejezetet pedig imádtam, mert itt olvashattuk Brady gondolatait is.
Brady Maxwell elnyerte a szavazatomat! 💓

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