THE RED: AN EROTIC FANTASY by Tiffany Reisz~ARC Review

Never make a promise you don’t intend to keep… 
Mona Lisa St. James made a deathbed promise that she would do anything to save her mother's art gallery. Unfortunately, not only is The Red painted red, but it's in the red. She soon realizes she has no choice but to sell it.
Just as she realizes she has no choice but to sell it, a mysterious man comes in after closing time and makes her an offer: He will save The Red if she agrees to submit to him for the period of one year.
The man is handsome, English, and terribly tempting...but surely her mother didn't mean for Mona to sell herself to a stranger. Then again, she did promise to do anything to save The Red...

The Red is a standalone novel of erotic fantasy from Tiffany Reisz, international bestselling author of The Bourbon Thief and the Original Sinners series.
Originally published as a limited edition hardcover under the pen name Nora Sutherlin (of Original Sinners fame). First mentioned in The Angel, The Red will be available worldwide this July.


“Are there rules?" Mona asked of her mysterious suitor. "Expectations of me? Requests?”
Malcolm held up one finger, telling her to sit and wait. She sat. She waited. He walked to her bookshelf and perused the titles, the hand on his chin again like the first night. At last he seemed to find what he was looking for. He pulled a large white book from the shelf and leafed through the pages. Then he returned to her desk, bringing the book with him.
“That,” he said, laying the book open on the desk and pointing at a photograph of a painting. “I would like you to wait for me thusly.”
The painting in the photograph was one she knew well—Manet’s Olympia, a portrait of a young girl, naked, lying on a bed with her head up and staring directly at the viewer. It was an infamous painting, Manet making mockery of the tired old Venus-reclining-on-her-bed trope. Olympia was a prostitute and a shameless one at that. When it was first displayed, the crowds found it so vulgar they wanted to tear it to shreds.
“So I’m to be your Olympia.”
“For what I’m paying you, you’ll be everything I want you to be.”
She looked up at him, met his eyes. For the first time since they met, he touched her. He laid his hand on the side of her face, stroked the arch of her cheekbone with his thumb. Such a large warm hand. She truly believed she would regret making this agreement. But she didn’t regret it now.
“You were meant to do this,” he said softly. “You’ll see.”
“Why me?” she asked. “Millions of women in this country, millions in yours…why me?”
“Millions of paintings in this world. Only one Mona Lisa. Billions of women in this world. Only one you, Mona Lisa St. James.” 
Then he left her in the office, blushing and shivering and undeniably aroused. She’d just agreed to become a prostitute to save her gallery.
Olympia, 1856 by Edouard Manet

My Review:

OMG!!! This book is brilliant! When I received the email that ARCs were available, I signed up immediately, because it was a new Tiffany Reisz book!!!
Then I saw the genre: Erotica/Paranormal Erotica. Honestly I became unsure. I haven't read paranormal romance before. It was my first. 😊
And I LOVED it! I couldn't put it down! This book is really kinky and filthy, you should read it! 😜
"How had he done it? Trained her so quickly to crave pain?"
Mona was an open-minded, strong woman, who wasn't a shy virgin. She was far from an inexperienced girl. She agreed to submit to Malcolm easily. She let him do anything with her, with her body. But we got used to this kind of characters in Tiffany's books. 😊 I wasn't surprised at all.😊 
 "His money had made her a whore, but his cock had made her his slave. She never wanted to taste freedom again. She only wanted to taste him."~Mona
Malcolm was a handsome mysterious man. We didn't know much about him, just that he loved sex, especially kinky sex, he had a good stamina, and he loved art.
"Art should be dangerous, you know. It should say something to society that society doesn't want to hear."~Malcolm
 "I'm not the devil, my darling, (...) The devil wants your soul. I only want your body."~Malcolm
What I loved about this book was the mystery about this man. This made the story so interesting. 
"You saw what I wanted you to see" he said. "The oldest magician's trick."~Malcolm
Mona wanted to save her mother's art gallery, The Red. I loved how the author mixed erotica with art. In every chapter we got to know a new painting. I didn't know much about art, but this book arused my interest about arts, so I googled every painting which was mentioned in the book. 

I want this book on my bookshelf! Can't wait to buy the paperback, because I love the cover! It is soo beautiful! I need to put this book next to the Original Sinners series, after all it was written by Nora Sutherlin. 😉
I recommend this book to everyone who loves the Original Sinners series. This story is like a kinky, naughty erotic dream! Tiffany Reisz fans, you will love it! 

Úr Isten! Ez a könyv kiváló! Mikor megkaptam az emailt, hogy elérhetőek az ARC könyvek, egyből feliratkoztam, mert ugye egy új Tiffany Reisz könyvről beszélünk!
Aztán elolvastam a műfaját: Erotikus/Paranormál Erotikus könyv. Őszintén szólva egy kicsit elbizonytalanodtam. még eddig nem olvastam paranormál könyvet, ez volt az első.
És IMÁDTAM! Alig tudtam letenni! Ez a könyv igazán perverz és mocskos⛓. Olvasnod kell! 😜
Mona egy nyitott, erős nő, nem egy kis félénk szűz leányka. Távol áll egy tapasztalatlan lánytól. Könnyen beleegyezett, hogy aláveti magát Malcolmnak. Megengedte neki, hogy bármit tegyen  vele, a testével. De már hozzászokhattunk az ilyen karakterekhez Tiffany könyveiben. 😊 Egyáltalán nem lepődtem meg. 😊
Malcolm egy helyes, titokzatos férfi. Nem sok mindent tudunk róla, csak hogy szereti a szexet, a perverz szexet, nagyon jó az állóképessége, és szereti a művészetet.
Ami nagyon tetszett ebben a könyvben, a férfit körüllengő rejtély. Ez nagyon érdekessé tette a történetet.
Mona meg akarta menteni az anyja galériáját, ezért megtett bármit. Nagyon tetszett, ahogy az írónő összekapcsolta az erotikát a művészettel. Minden fejezetben megismerhettünk egy új festményt. Nem igazán tudok sokat a művészetről, de ez a könyv felkeltette az érdeklődésemet a művészet iránt. A neten megkerestem minden festményt amit a könyvben említettek.

Ez a könyv kell a polcomra! Nagyon tetszik a borító, nagyon szép! Ezt a könyvet be kell tennem az Eredendő bűnösök sorozatom mellé, elvégre ezt a könyvet Nora Sutherlin írta. 😉
Ajánlom a könyvet mindazoknak, akik szerették az Eredendő bűnösök sorozatot. Ez a történet olyan, mintha egy perverz, mocskos erotikus álom lenne! Tiffany Reisz rajongók, szeretni fogjátok!

Release Date: July 11, 2017
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About the Author:
Tiffany Reisz is the author of the highly acclaimed series The Original Sinners. Her first novel, The Siren, won the RT Book Reviews Editor's Choice Award for Best Erotic Romance of 2012. Slightly shameless, Tiffany dropped out of a conservative Southern seminary in order to pursue a career as a writer. This move, while possibly putting her eternal salvation in peril, has worked out better than she anticipated. She lives in Lexington, Kentucky with her husband, author Andrew Shaffer, and two cats. Find her on Twitter @tiffanyreisz.

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