THE GRAVITY OF US by Brittainy C. Cherry~ReleaseBlitz & ARC Review


The Gravity of Us, an all-new gripping and emotional standalone from Brittainy C. Cherry is LIVE!


The Gravity of Us by Brittainy C. Cherry

Release Date: April 13th, 2017 

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Graham Russell and I weren’t made for one another.
I was driven by emotion; he was apathetic. I dreamed while he lived in nightmares. I cried when he had no tears to shed.
Despite his frozen heart and my readiness to run, we sometimes shared seconds. Seconds when our eyes locked and we saw each other’s secrets. Seconds when his lips tasted my fears, and I breathed in his pains. Seconds when we both imagined what it would be like to love one another.
Those seconds left us floating, but when reality knocked us sideways, gravity forced us to descend.
Graham Russell wasn’t a man who knew how to love, and I wasn’t a woman who knew how to either. Yet if I had the chance to fall again, I’d fall with him forever.
Even if we were destined to crash against solid ground.

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My Review:

"Live each day as if it's the final page. Breath each moment as if it's the final word. be brave."
Brittainy C. Cherry never dissapoints me! I loved this book! It's a beautiful love story. But it's not just about love, it's about family too.
"Air above me, earth below me, fire within me, water surround me, spirit becomes me."
This book is the fourth book in The Elements Series. I love the whole series. This story was a unique story too. And the author writes so beautifully. I highlighted a lot of quotes during reading.
"Everything in life happened for a reason, happened exactly how it was meant to, no matter how painful it seemed. Some love stories were meant to be forever, and others just for a season. (...) the love story between a mother and daughter was always there, even when the seasons changed."
Lucy was a lovable character. I liked her. She didn't have an easy life, but she was so positive, and funny a lot of time, I loved it. 
"Love. The emotion that made people both soar and crash. The feeling that lit humans up and burned their hearts. The beginning and ending of every journey."
Graham was a more interesting character. We didn't know first what happened with him in the past. He was so closed-off, distant. But something beautiful changed his life. And I loved to read about it, about how he opened up, how he started to feel, how he started to love. 
"She was the girl who felt everything, and I was the man who felt nothing at all."
The relationship between them developed slowly, it was platonic for a long time. I loved them together. Lucy had a good influence on Graham. 
"That was the thing about hearts-when you thought they were completely full, you somehow found room to add a little more love."
"We weren't supposed to feel this way. We weren't supposed to fall for one another, she and I. Yet it seemed gravity had a way of pulling us closer." 
But Lucy and Graham couldn't be together, and I totally understood why. First Graham had to close his past. But I didn't know what would I do in a situation like this.  
"Sometimes when your heart wanted a full length novel, the world only gave you a novella, and sometimes when you wanted forever you only had those few seconds of now. And all I could do, all anyone could ever do, was make each moment count."
I liked that they had to wait, that they had to fight for their love. And finally I fell in love with Graham. 💓 I fell in love with the two of them.
"Love doesn't push things away. Love doesn't suffocate. It makes the world bloom."
"She proved to me that real love wasn't something from fairytale books. she taught me that real love took time. Real love took work. Real love  took communication. Real love only grew if those involved took the time to nurture it, to water it, to give it a light." 
 I recommend this book those who love to read beautifully written stories about falling in love, about family, about new beginnings. Let this book enchant you, you won't regret it!
Eddig még nem csalódtam Brittainy C. Cherry könyveiben. Ezt a könyvet is szerettem! Ez egy nagyon szép szerelmi történet, de nem csak szerelemről szól, hanem a családról is.
Ez a könyv a sorozat negyedik része. Az egész sorozatot szeretem, ez a könyv is nagyon tetszett. Úgy mint a többi rész is, ez is egy egyedi történet. Imádom, hogy az írónő ír, nagyon szépen fogalmaz. Nagyon sok idézetet kiemeltem olvasás közben.
Lucy egy szerethető karakter. Nem volt egyszerű élete, de az nagyon tetszett benne, hogy ennek ellenére, mindig pozitív, és sok alkalommal vicces.
Graham érdekesebb szereplő volt. Először nem tudtuk, mi történt vele a múltban. De nagyon zárkózott, távolság tartó volt. De aztán egy gyönyörű dolog megváltoztatta az életét. Szerettem erről olvasni. Nagyon jó volt arról olvasni, hogyan nyílt meg, hogyan kezdett el érezni, szeretni.
A kettejük közötti kapcsolat nagyon lassan haladt előre, sokáig csak plátói volt. szerettem őket együtt, Lucy nagyon jó hatással volt Grahamre.
De nem lehettek együtt. Értem én hogy miért, magam sem tudnám mit tennék az ő helyükben. Grahamnek először a múltját le kellett zárnia.
Kifejezetten tetszett, hogy harcolniuk kellett a szerelmükért. Végül pedig beleszerettem Graham-be, mindkettejükbe.
Ajánlom a könyvet mindenkinek, aki szereti a gyönyörűen megírt történeteket szerelemről, családról, újrakezdésről. Hagyd, hogy ez a könyv elvarázsoljon téged, nem bánod meg! 

Start the Series of Standalones Today!

(Free in Kindle Unlimited)
The Air He Breathes
The Fire Between High and Low
The Silent Waters (Now ONLY 99¢!)

About the Author:

Hi! I'm Brittainy! Join me as we travel through my mind as a Romance Author. This includes such things as my random thoughts, tricks, tips, things I'm learning, things I'm re-learning, things I'm forgetting, and my weird ways of crafting stories.

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