AMERICAN PRINCE by Sierra Simone~BlogTour &ARC Review


American Prince, the highly-anticipated follow up to American Queen by Sierra Simone is available now!!


American Prince by Sierra Simone 

Publication Date: March 7th, 2017 

Genre: Contemporary Romance

I’ve been many things.
I’ve been a son and a stepbrother. An Army captain and a Vice President.
But only with Him am I a prince. His little prince.
Only with Maxen and Greer does my world make sense, only between them can I find peace from the demons that haunt me. But men like me aren’t made to be happy. We don’t deserve it. And I should have known a love as sharp as ours could cut both ways.
My name is Embry Moore and I serve at the pleasure of the President of the United States…for now.
This is the story of an American Prince.


In an instant, he was on me, straddling my thighs, one hand yanking my head back so I had to look up into his face. “Don’t play games with me,” Ash warned in a low voice. “Not tonight. Not after what you did. You don’t even want to know the things I’m thinking about right now.” I could barely breathe. Pain sang out from my shoulder and hunger sang out from my thickening cock. I was at the mercy of a monster—in the hands of an angry god, as they say—and I’d never felt more alive. It was like kissing his boot, like that first moment I’d been shot at in the trees—the whole world came to life, the forest thrumming and the leaves rustling and my blood and heart all part of this incredible symphony of magic and music that was playing all the time, if only I had the ears to listen. Being with Ash was like my battle high, the fragility of life so apparent, the thrill of surviving it so exhilarating. Surviving him. “Take it,” I said, my fantasies from all those years ago coming back and making me stir underneath him. “What?” he asked quietly. “Take what you’re owed. Take what you deserve for saving my life.” His lips parted, his eyes hooded, and he pulled my head back even more, exposing my throat. “And what exactly do you owe me?” he asked. “What exactly do I deserve?” I met his eyes, which were almost black in the dark. “Whatever you want.” “What I want will have you flat on the ground with tears in your eyes. You think you want to give that to me?” “No.” I swallowed. “I want you to take it from me.” He went still. “Let me thank you,” I begged. “Let me make you feel better. Use me. Use me how you need.” “Oh, that’s what you want, is it?” he breathed. He leaned in, his thighs on my throbbing erection, and I felt his own, an iron bulge pressing into my stomach. It was massive. He’d tear me apart with it. “You won’t let me have you any other time, not with kisses or love letters, but when you’re bleeding and I’m furious, that’s when you’ll open yourself to me? That’s when I get to have this?” How could I make him understand? That it had to be like this? That I had to be conquered, not wooed?

My Review:

This is going to be an honest review... Usually I don't read MM/MMF romance books, but now I made an exception. Why? I think because of the author. While I didn't really like the sex scenes between Ash and Embry, I liked the story, and the feelings, the love between the three of them. 
This book was written in dual POV. We read not only Greer's thoughts and feelings, but Embry's too. I liked that.
So I already told that I didn't really fond of the MM sex scenes, BUT I liked the action. How Embry went and rescued Greer. I liked to read about the past, and I was happy that I read this book, because we became to know the guys' feelings. Embry and Ash really fell in love. Now we know everything what happened in the past, what happened between the two of them, what happened with Morgan, and Jenny. How Embry met Greer. These chapters were so interesting. 
It was good to read about Embry's thoughts. I loved how self-sacrifice was Embry. He was a good guy.
"What mattered was that he was my king ans I was his prince, and I would always, always be by his side."~Embry
I loved to read about Ash's feelings. I became to like him more. We could read about a totally different side of him. He was a hero in the war, a dominant guy in the past and in the present, but we could see now that he was a man in love with another man. And he wasn't ashamed about it, he wanted to make it official, he wanted to be with Embry. 
"Say this isn't the end, Embry. Say you'll keep teaching me to dance. Say you'll be my little prince. Please."~Ash
"I'll sacrifice anything to be with you.(...) I'll do anything to be with you, give up anything."~Ash 
I think in this book Greer took a back seat. This book was more about the guys and their feelings. When the three of them were together I didn't really feel the connection between all of them, but I definitely felt it between Ash and Embry. Sometimes I would like to read about Ash feelings too. I missed his thoughts. 
And what I appreciated in the story, that they felt jealousy. (When I read MMF romance, when there are not just two person in the relationship, I don't understand how they aren't jealous when they see that their love have sex with someone else.) 
The ending was hair-raising, and a cliffhanger! 
"I have to become more than a prince. I have to become a king myself."~Embry
And while I'm not really into MM scenes (I think there will be some in the third book too), I'm definitely going to read the third book! Now I want to know what will happen with them! 


Ez egy őszinte értékelés lesz. Általában nem olvasok olyan könyveket, amelyek két pasi vagy két pasi és egy nő szerelméről szólnak, de most kivételt tettem. Hogy miért? Úgy gondolom az írónő miatt. Azt kell mondjam, hogy míg Ash és Embry közötti szexjeleneteket nem igazán szerettem, de magát a sztorit, az érzelmeket, a hármójuk közötti szerelmet igen.
Kettős nézőpontból íródott a könyv. Nemcsak Greer érzelmeit és gondolatait ismerhetjük meg, hanem Embry-ét is. Ez tetszett.
Azt ugye már írtam, hogy nem igazán voltam a férfiak szexjeleneteinek rajongója, de a könyvben lévő akció az tetszett. Az hogy hogyan mentette meg Embry Greert. Szerettem a múltról olvasni, és örülök, hogy elolvastam a könyvet, mert így jobban megismerhetjük a pasik érzelmeit. Embry és Ash tényleg egymásba szerettek. Mostmár megismerhetjük a múlt történéseit, azt hogy mi történt Morgannel, Jennyvel. Hogyan találkoztak Greer-el. Ezek a fejezetek érdekesek voltak.
Jó volt Embry gondolatait olvasni. Tetszett, hogy milyen önfeláldozó volt. Valójában egy jó ember.
Szerettem Ash érzelmeiről olvasni. Jobban megkedveltem őt. Egy teljesen más oldaláról ismerhetjük meg. Ő volt a háború hőse, egy domináns pasi a múltban és a jelenben is, de láthatjuk hogy egyben egy szerelmes férfi is volt, aki ráadásul egy másik férfit szeretett. És ezt nem szégyellte, felvállalta volna nyilvánosan az érzelmeit, hiszen Embry-vel akart lenni.
Úgy érzem, ebben a könyvben Greer egy kicsit háttérbe szorult. Ez a könyv főleg a a férfiakról és az ő érzelmeikről szólt. Amikor hárman együtt voltak, nem igazán éreztem a kapcsolatot hármójuk között, de a két pasi között egyértelműen meg volt az a bizonyos kapocs. Néha azért olvastam volna Ash érzelmeiről is, hiányoltam a gondolatait.
Amit értékeltem a történetben, azt hogy valamennyien féltékenyek voltak. (mikor ilyen könyvet olvasok, ahol többen vannak egy kapcsolatban, soha nem értem, hogyan nem féltékenyek, mikor látják hogy a szerelmük mással fekszik le).
A befejezés pedig elképesztő volt! és függővég!
És bár nem rajongok a a pasik szexjelenetéért (és gondolom a harmadik könyvben is lesz), biztos hogy el fogom olvasni a következő részt is, mert tudni akarom mi történik majd velük. 

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About the Author:

Sierra Simone is a former librarian who spent too much time reading romance novels at the information desk. She lives with her husband and family in Kansas City.

Connect with Sierra:

Twitter: @TheSierraSimone
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