PAPER HEARTS by Claire Contreras

Series: Hearts Series #2

I lost her.
No, I didn't lose her. I threw her away.
She was my best friend.I was never 
supposed to fall in love with her.
I was careless.
She was heartbroken.
I was doing fine until she came back into my life and reminded me what love was supposed to feel like.
When it's all said and done, she may not want to stay, but this time I'm going to do everything in my power to not let her go.

My Review:

OMG! I LOVED this book so much!!! I loved it more than the first book, but I have to tell you that was a favorite too!
Honestly I didn't think that this book would be better then the first. After I finished Kaleidoscope Hearts I was curious about the other two guy's story, but I was more curious about Vic than Jensen.
BUT this book was amazing! Sometimes I was reading it with tears in my eyes. 😢
“Real love stories never end.” 
We knew a little about Mia and Jensen from the first book. That he left Mia and married another woman and had a child. We became to know more about their past and how they broke up from TORN HEARTS (Hearts Series #1.5).
This is not a story about cheating! I had to tell this. So who doesn't like to read books which contains infidelity can read this book. When Jensen impregnated Krista, they were on a break. Mia was dating other men too. So Jensen wasn't cheating on Mia! 
But it's not an easy situation, I totally understood Mia. He broke her heart. 
“I let her go not because I loved her too much to ask her to stay, but because I couldn’t bear to hear her tell me she wouldn’t. Still, every once in a while I wonder. And nothing is more haunting than regret.” ~Jensen
 “Pain isn’t just losing the person you love. Pain is losing the person you love, seeing them with somebody else, and not interfering because you know you can’t give them the life they deserve.” ~Jensen
They met 5 years later. Jensen was divorced, and still loved her, wanted her.
“It seems like every time we need something, life finds a way to tell us to sit and wait.” ~Jensen
Mia was afraid of starting a relationship with Jensen, because she didn't know if she could move on, let the past go. And I understood it. There's a reminder why they weren't together, Jensen's little girl, Olivia. I felt the same as Mia. On one hand I would be with Jensen, because he was a good, amazing guy, but on the other hand there was Olivia, and because of Olivia there was Krista, Olivia's mother. And Krista will be always in his life.
Jensen wanted Mia. He didn't stop loving her. Yes, he married another woman, and had a child, but he did what he thought appropriate in this situation, and he did it because of Krista's parents. But he always looked after her, he loved her the whole time.
They say it takes twenty-one days to break a habit. It’s been approximately one thousand eight hundred and twenty six since I last held her hand in mine and I’m still waiting for the remnants of her to break off of me.”~Jensen
"I wouldn't change anyhing, but only because my mistakes brought me her. (...) But when that whole thing happened, a part of me died. A big part of me died."~Jensen 
They were perfect together in the past. They loved each other so much. They wanted a break but they wanted to be together later... Jensen had baggage, he had problems, but Mia loved him.
“Maybe our souls really are scattered in the things we love, and we are all completely lost, but from the moment she looked at me, I felt like I’d been found.”~Jensen
 "For mia, who never tried to alter my language, but instead learned to translate the meaning behind my silence.” ~Jensen
I loved to read about how he fought for Mia. 💗 I absolutely loved his articles, 'Jensen Talks'! 😊 
“How would you describe the #feeling of #love in 140 or less characters?
Answer : Like somebody is gripping your heart, but you don't want them to let go because the ache would worsen without them.”
 “If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your 21 y/o self? Answer: Think about your actions. They have consequences.” 
 “I’ve learned that life isn’t about the end, but about the chapters in between. The filling in that we do to get our stories told and how people react to it is what keeps us going.” ~Jensen
Jensen was a perfect dad! I loved Olivia too. Oh I fell for him (hard)! 💓
“And I say to you, Mia Bennett—my photographer, my eyes, the girl of my dreams, the villain in my nightmares—that everything I owe, I owe to the night you let me look into your eyes and see the possibilities the world had to offer.” ~Jensen
 “My life has changed. I’ve changed, but my love for you is constant. If anything, it’s grown. You planted a seed inside of me, and it’s spread like ivy over my heart. There’s no room for anybody else.” ~Jensen
The first meeting with Olivia was shocking for Mia. She didn't know what she felt. She liked Olivia, she was an innocent, sweet little girl, who accepted her, but every time Mia looked at her she felt the heartache,because of the past.
"Up until that point she was just a girl. a girl who'd single-handedly ruined my relationship with the love of my life. Not that she was to blame. I blamed him. And her mother. And distance and insecurities and a whole slew of things I realized had contributed to our demise. The girl was just an innocent bystander in the warfare we'd created around her."~Mia
This story was an emotional  roller coaster! Once I was smiling, and a chapter later I was crying.
5 beautiful stars!!!

Ó Istenem! Ezt a könyvet én nagyon de nagyon szerettem!!! Jobban szerettem mint az első részt, pedig az is kedvenc lett!
Őszintén szólva nem gondoltam, hogy ez a könyv jobb lesz, mint az első. Miután befejeztem az Üvegszív című könyvet, kíváncsi voltam a másik két srác történetére, de jobban érdekelt Vic, mint Jensen. De ez a könyv fantasztikus volt! Volt amikor könnyes szemmel olvastam. 😢
Az első könyvből megismerhettünk egy kis részletet Mia és Jensen történetéből. Nevezetesen azt, hogy Jensen elhagyta Miát, és feleségül vett egy másik nőt, akivel gyerekük is született. A kettejük múltjáról, a szakításról a TORN HEARTS című kis novellában olvashatunk.
Ez a könyv nem megcsalásról szól. Ezt ki kell emelnem. Így azok is nyugodtam olvashatják, akik nem szeretik az olyan könyveket amiben hűtlenség van. Amikor Jensen teherbe ejtette Kristát, akkor Miával éppen szünetet tartottak. Mia is több pasival randizott. Jensen nem csalta meg Miát!
De akkor is ez egy nehéz szituáció. Teljesen meg tudtam érteni Mia érzelmeit. Jensen összetörte a szívét.
Öt évvel később találkoztak, amikor már Jensen elvált, de még mindig szerette és akarta Miát.
Mia félt kapcsolatot kezdeni Jensennel, nem tudta, hogy tovább tud e lépni a múlton, el tudja e engedni a múltat. Én teljesen megértettem ezt. Ugyanis van valami, ami mindig emlékezteti Miát a múltra, az átélt fájdalomra. Ő Olivia, Jensen kislánya. Teljesen együtt éreztem Miával. Egy részről szerettem volna én is együtt lenni Jensennel, mert egy rendes, fantasztikus pasi, de ugyanakkor ott van neki Olivia, és Olivia miatt ott van az exfelesége, Krista, aki mindig az élete részét képezi majd.
Jensen most is akarta Miát. Végig szerette Miát, igaz elvett egy másik nőt, és gyereke született tőle, de azt tette amit akkor helyesnek ítélt. De soha nem felejtette el Miát, mindig törődött vele, szerette.
Ők ketten tökéletesek voltak együtt a múltban, nagyon szerették egymást. De úgy döntöttek szünetet tartanak de később majd visszatalálnak egymáshoz... Jensennek voltak problémái a múltban, de Mia akkor is szerette, kiállt mellette.
Imádtam olvasni, hogyan harcol Miáért 💗 Egyszerűen oda voltam a cikkjeiért! 😍
Ezen kívül tökéletes apa volt, megszerettem Oliviát is. Teljesen belezúgtam! 💓
Mia első találkozása Olviával sokkoló volt, mert nem tudta mit érez. Egy részről kedvelte a kis ártatlan, édes kislányt, másrészről a fájdalmát juttatta eszébe.
Egy érzelmi hullámvasúton utaztam míg olvastam a könyvet. Egyszer mosolyogtam, egy fejezettel később meg sírtam....

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