Pennies by Pepper Winters Excerpt & Review

Series: Dollar Series #1
“At 18 I had pennies, but money didn’t make me bold. At 19 I had dollars, but it didn’t dull the pain of being sold. At 20 I had hundreds, but then I met him and was found. At 21 I had thousands, but all I wanted was to be bound.”
“At 23 I had dollars, but life changed and made me rich. At 25 I had hundreds, but it wasn’t enough to stop my killing itch. At 27 I had thousands, but my reputation didn’t set me free. At 29 I had millions, but I met her and could finally see.”
Tasmin was killed on her 18th birthday. She had everything planned out. A psychology degree, a mother who pushed her to greatness, and a future anyone would die for. But then her murderer saved her life, only to sell her into a totally different existence.
Elder went from penniless to stinking rich with one twist of fate. His lifetime of crime and shadows of thievery are behind him but no matter the power he now wields, it’s not enough. He has an agenda to fulfill and he won’t stop until it’s complete.
But then they meet.
A beaten slave and a richly dressed thief. Money is what guided their separate fates. Money is what brought them together. And money is ultimately what destroys them.
She was poor.
He was rich.
Together…they were bankrupt.


Such a simple word.
For those who had it, it carried very little importance. But for those who didn’t have it, it was he most precious, prized, and promised hope of all.
I supposed I was lucky to know what freedom felt like.
For eighteen years, I’d been free. Free to learn what I wanted, befriend who I liked, and flirt with boys who passed my rigorous criteria.
I was a simple girl with ideals and dreams, encouraged by society to believe nothing could hurt me, that I should strive for an excellent career, and no one could stop me. Rules would keep me safe, police would keep the monsters away, and I could remain innocent and naïve to the darkness of the world.
I had it.
But then I lost it.
Murdered, resuscitated, and sold.
I lost my freedom for so many years.
Until the day he entered my cage.
Him with the black eyes and blacker soul.
The man who challenged my owner.
And set my imprisonment on an entirely different path.


My Review
OMG! I think I'm going to become addicted to this series too! Pepper Winters is the queen of the dark romance genre. The big question is: Is this book darker than Tess&Q? I don't think so.  I think, it's as dark as Tears of Tess, but I loved this book more. I don't know why! This book enchanted me, brought me a dark, terrible place. I couldn't put it down! I wanted to know what would happen,
"This is not a fairy-tale. This is a black abyss that must be climbed blind before deserving the light."
"There are beasts adorned in angel clothing and angels hiding in beast's fur." 
Tasmin is a very-very strong woman. I love the author's characters, because they are so strong (not just Tasmin, but Nila and Tess too). She was kidnapped and was a slave, a possession of a monster, Arlik.  She had to go through terrible things. She was raped and abused  continuously. I think if I were Tasmin I would be dead after 2 years. But no, she wasn't dead, she was alive and fought in her own way. 
"FREEDOM. Such a modest word. It carried a very little importance for those who had it. But for those who didn't, it was the most precious, prized, and promised hope of all."'Tasmin
 "He promised he would've brokem me by now. The opposite is true. I'm stronger now than I've ever been."~Tasmin
"There is power in listening, watching, observing." ~Tasmin
She was in Hell. But then she met Elder Prest...
Elder isn't a good guy. He has demons too. He is a bad guy, but I think not as bad as Arlik. But both of them (Tasmin and Elder) feel something. A connection between them. He isn't a knight in shining armour. He is a black monster too.
"I wasn't stupid not to recognise how dangerous he was, but there was a hidden safety, too. It whispered that if he hurt me, he'd help me at the same time. I just didn't know how."~Tasmin
Elder saw Tasmin what she was. A slave, a possession. But something magnetized him to Tasmin. He hated Arlik. Arlik is a greedy, heartless monster. But Elder had business with him, so he didn't care.  He didn't come to save Tasmin. But he could understand her despite her muteness.
"White. I sneered. The biggest lie of all. It gave a visitor the impression of innocence and purity. But the opposite was true. White was the colour with multiple faces. It lied about its identity, hiding its pigment while wmothering others. The final blank thought before death."~Elder
"Sometimes, it isn't what's spoken that is the loudest reply."~Elder
 "Listen with your entire body, not just your ears. Watch with your entire being, not just your eyes. and judge with your entire soul, not just shallow perception."~Elder
As I said, Elder wasn't a good guy, but he was starting to feel something. He couldn't resist Tasmin. Yes, he wanted to fuck her, but he felt something else. And gave her so much more than her owner.... He plays with the idea: What if Tasmin would be his? What if he would be her owner?
"I wanted companionship but by wanting that, it made me weak because I wanted to lean on him after leaning on myself for so, so long."~Tasmin
"Was it wrong that I'd given up hoping for freedom and would settle for a new master instead? Freedom was unattainable, but a new owner might be feasable."~Tasmin 
Honestly Elder made me curious. I want to know more about him. And the ending... uh... 
I want to know what's going to happen with Tasmin. What kind of man Elder really is, how bad he is. How will he treat Tasmin. I know he is a beast too, and not a prince on a white horse, but I want him to feel, to fall in love! I want to know him more, I want to understand him. And yes, I want him to save Tasmin and make her happy, but I think it isn't going to be easy, and there will be a lot of difficulty. 
So I loved this book! It's a 5* book! Can't wait to read the next book in the series! 

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 Ó Istenem! Azt hiszem ennek a sorozatnak is a függője leszek! Pepper Winters a dark-romace műfaj királynője! A nagy kérdés: Sötétebb ez a történet, mint Tess&Q? Nem hiszem. Úgy gondolom, hogy ugyanannyira durva mint a Tears of Tess című könyv. De ezt a könyvet valahogy jobban szerettem. Hogy miért? Nem tudom! Ez a könyv elvarázsolt engem, egy sötét, szörnyű helyre vitt. De nem tudtam letenni! Tudni akartam, hogy mi fog történni.
Tasmin egy nagyon-nagyon erős nő. Az írónő valamennyi szereplőjét szeretem, mert olyan erősek (nemcsak Tasmin, de Tess és Nila is). Tasmint elrabolták és egy szörnyetegnek, Arliknak a szolgája, tulajdona lett. Szörnyű dolgokon kellett keresztül mennie. Folyamatosan bántalmazták, megerőszakolták. Úgy gondolom, ha Tasmin helyében lennék, én két év múlva már halott lennék. de ő él, és harcol a maga módján.
Ő a pokolban él, de aztán találkozott Elder Prest-el...
Elder nem egy jó pasi. Vannak démonai. Rossz ember, de úgy érzem nem annyira rossz, mint Arlik. De mindketten (Tasmin és Elder is) éreznek valamit. Egy kapcsot kettejük között. De Elder nem a fényes páncélú lovag. Ő is egy sötét szörnyeteg.
Elder annak látta Tasmint, ami. Egy szolga, egy vagyontárgy. De valami vonzotta hozzá. Utálja Arlik-ot, mert ő egy kapzsi, szívtelen gazember. De üzlei ügyben állt kapcsolatban vele, ezért nem érdekelte. nem azért jött, hogy megmentse Tasmint. De megértette őt a némasága ellenére is.
Ahogy mondtam Elder nem jó ember, de elkezd érezni valamit. Nem tud ellenállni Tasminnak. Igen, le akart vele feküdni, de érzett mást is. És sokkal többet nyújtott neki, mint a gazdája. Eljátszik a gonolattal: Mi lenne ha övé lenne Tasmin? Mi lenne ha ő lenne Tasmin gazdája?
Őszintén szólva Elder kíváncsivá tett. Többet akarok tudni róla. És a befejezés... uh...
Tudni akarom, hogy mi fog történni Tasminnal. Tudom, hogy Elder egy szörnyeteg és nem a herceg fehér lovon, de akarom, hogy érezzen, hogy szerelmes legyen! Jobban meg akarom ismerni, és meg akarom érteni. És igen azt akarom, hogy megmentse Tasmint és hogy Tasmint boldoggá tegye, de valahogy úgy érzem, hogy ez nem lesz olyan egyszerű, és sok nehézségen fognak még keresztül menni!
Szerettem ezt a könyvet. 5* Alig várom, hogy olvassam a folytatást!

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