K. A. Linde: Avoiding Temptation

Sorozat: Avoiding 3
Two years after walking out of Jack's wedding, Lexi has finally put her past behind her. She has made up her mind about where her life is headed. This time, she is sticking to her guns, no matter what. That is, until a phone call shatters the fragile grasp she has on her new life. Lexi is forced to question everything she thought she knew about what she wanted, and life-changing events push her to reevaluate the very plans she holds so dear. Nevertheless, Lexi has to choose her true path. That might just mean deciding, once and for all, that she doesn't have to answer to anyone but herself. In this highly anticipated final installment of the bestselling Avoiding series, follow Lexi as she juggles a new career, a new city, and the burgeoning affections of three very different men.

Húúú! ez a könyv, illetve a sorozat teljesen összezavart érzelmileg. Talán ez a könyv a legjobban. Nagyon nehéz úgy írni valamit a könyvről, hogy ne spoilerezzek. Na de megpróbálom!

Az egész könyv szintén egy telefonhívással kezdődött, mint a többi. Az első részben Jack telefonált, és kérte Lexit, hogy látogassa meg, beszéljen a barátnőjével, és győzze meg, hogy alkalmas a házasságra. A második könyvben Ramsey telefonált és azt kérte Lexitől, hogy menjen el vele Jack és Bekah esküvőjére. A harmadik könyvben Jack telefonál szintén, mert valami fontos dologról akar Lexivel beszélni. Nem lövök le nagy poént azzal, hogy mi a nagy hír, Jack válik.
A történet 2 évvel azt követően kezdődik, hogy a második rész befejeződött. Jack elvette Bekaht, Lexi pedig Ramseyvel van. Itt is felváltva ismerhetjük meg a jelent és a múltat. Ez már az előző részeknél is pozitívum volt. Egyszerűen olvastatja magát a könyv.

Lexi körül 3 férfi van: Ramsey, John, Jack. Mind a három őt akarja. Ebben a könyvben is, úgy mint a többiben, teljesen összezavart az írónő, csak úgy kavarogtak az érzelmeim: 

Ramsey: a tökéletes pasi, aki imádja Lexit. A kapcsolatuk hullámvasút, de boldoggá teszi Lexit. Kedvenc szereplő még mindig! <3 Megismerhetjük a múltat, hogy milyen hibákat követett el, de minden megváltozott. Ő megváltozott, hogy jobb ember legyen Lexi számára. Nagyon sokat dolgozott azért, hogy Lexi boldog legyen. De ugye vannak döccenők... A múltban sokat hazudott, titkolózott, ez rányomja a bélyegét a kapcsolatukra, és emellett még ott van Bekah, Parker, és más problémák is felmerülnek (amiket direkt nem részletezek, nehogy lelőjem a poént).
Szóval Ramsey mostmár a tökéletes pasi, férj-jelölt. Helyes, okos, önállóan is megáll a lábán, és mindent megtesz azért, hogy a szeretett nő boldog legyen. És a legjobb, legszebb esküvőt akarja Lexinek, mert megérdemli, boldoggá akarja tenni...
Annak ellenére, hogy egy pár lényeges dolog most derült ki Parkerrel, a múltjukkal kapcsolatban, nagyon szereti Lexit és őt akarja, de törődik Parkerrel is. Bár bevallom őszintén néha kételkedtem benne. Úgy viselkedik Parkerrel, mintha még mindig szeretné. Lehet szereti is, de Lexibe szerelmes.  Elég nehéz lehet valakin túllépni, akit tizenéves kora óta ismer, aztán jó pár évig együtt voltak, akivel annyi mindenen ment keresztül. Ha az én párom lenne, nekem sem esne jól a kapcsolatuk...

You are and always will be everything I want in my life. You get me through even the cloudiest of days by making the sun shine all around you. I could never in a million years find the right words to let you know how much you mean to me. So, I thought I’d start my explanation with this.” Ramsey slowly sank to one knee. ... “Alexa Mae Walsh,” Ramsey began, holding the ring out for her viewing, “will you do me the honor of spending the rest of our lives together as my wife?” ~Ramsey
 “How much do wedding planners cost?” He chuckled and shook his head. “You let me worry about the money, all right?” “I don’t like the sound of that.” “That’s because you don’t like spending money, and to have a wedding, you have to spend it. So, just ignore the dollar signs in your eyes. I’ll cover it. It’s your day. That’s all that matters,” he said with a smile.~Ramsey
 “I want to…stop feeling like I have to try so hard, I feel like I’ve spent all this time just trying to hold in everything. I can’t be irritated about Parker because I’m friends with Jack. I have to just forget about Elisa because the company wants to forget about Elisa. I have to just accept the man who works a country-club life because he did it for me—when I never asked for any of it! I just have to accept that Ramsey did everything for me because he loves me. I just have to accept that Bekah is trying to tear Jack apart when all I want to do is make it right. I can’t seem to do anything without my past creeping up and smothering me. Above all else, I just want to forget about my past and live my present. Why is that so fucking hard?”~Lexi
 “I’m just saying that I have tried everything and more to make this relationship work. Doesn’t that prove that’s what I want? Doesn’t that prove that I deserve to have some semblance of peace and happiness?”~Lexi
“I’ve only ever set one rule,” Ramsey said, walking into the room with slow, measured steps. “I don’t care who she’s friends with. I don’t care who she hangs out with. I don’t even care if they want to fuck her or love her or marry her. You just can’t touch her.” ~Ramsey
 “There’s nothing wrong with you, Lexi, I love you. If that means that I marry you in October or I marry you next October or the one after that…it doesn’t matter to me. You matter to me. Marriage is a piece of paper. You’re my lifetime.” ~ Ramsey
 "We broke up because I thought she had taken away my kid without talking to me. Do you know what that does to someone? And then to find out you were a complete and total asshole to the one person who had always believed in you…I just feel like such a douche. And I know it shouldn’t matter to me because I have you, Lexi, but it does. It matters. I can’t explain it. It’s like watching a wall I’d put up for years crumble to the ground in an instant." ~Ramsey
 "You asked me to explain her to you, to tell you why she matters. Well, the answer is because she's always mattered to me. First, as big brother joking around with his sister's friends. Then as a girlfriend. Then, for all the reasons that we couldn't work. Then, as a coworker. The reason you care for people can change. Just like my feelings for Parker have changed. 
But my feelings for you have never changed like that. They've only grown and grown, and they continue to grow every day, every minute, every second I'm with you. And I knew on that first date that you were different, that things with you would be different. I wanted to protect you. I wanted to make it all better.I wanted to rid you of the hollow expression and depression that seemed to hang off of you.
And when you walked out that door, when I didn't hear from you, I felt… I don't know how to explain it. I felt like it didn't matter what I did anymore because the only thing I wanted in the whole world, I'd let walk out on me… again." ~Ramsey
"I think you’re right. Your feelings for people do change with time. You might need someone for one reason, and then when that reason is obsolete, you might not need that person anymore. People come in and out of your life all the time. They shape and mold you like clay, and then the water washes away the edges." ~Ramsey

Jack: Mikor olvastam a könyvet végig azt mondtam magamnak, hogy nem akarom megkedvelni, nem akarom megszeretni Jacket. Az előző részekben nagyon nem szerettem, mert sok fájdalmat okozott Lexinek, soha nem volt jó neki Lexi, mindig valaki más kellett. Nem engedte azt sem hogy továbblépjen. Be kell valljam, megkedveltem. Hogy miért? Mert az eltelt két év alatt jó barátja lett Lexinek, csak barátja, annak ellenére, hogy tényleg ott van közöttük a megszokott izzás, és akkor sem lépte át a határokat, amikor Lexi akarta volna, vagy vágyott volna rá. Ebben a részben úgy érzem tényleg felnőtt, sokat változott pozitív irányba a karaktere. Azt kell mondjam, egyik pillanatban én is összebújnék vele, a másikban meg jól felképelném! :) Tehát mindig ott volt Lexinek, főleg amikor valami nehéz időszakon ment keresztül. Mindig támogatta, segített neki. Nem veszélyeztette Ramseyvel való kapcsolatát, azt akarta, hogy boldog legyen. Bekahval való kapcsolatát egy kicsit megvilágította, annak ellenére, hogy nem volt meg a Lexivel megszokott izzás, szerette valamilyen szinten, és nagyon akarta, hogy működjön a házassága. Mindent megtett ez érdekében, és hűséges is volt.De ugye mindig ott van a háttérben Lexivel való kapcsolata, szereti Lexit, de tiszteli Őt, Ramseyvel való kapcsolatát, és a saját házasságát is. Jack rájött, hogy bár 10 év eltelt, de még mindig szereti Lexit. Azt hiszem, erre mondják, hogy jobb később mint soha... Olyan vallomások hangzottak el a szájából, hogy én is meginogtam volna. Annak ellenére, hogy Lexi szereti Ramseyt, még mindig szereti Jacket. Ahogy haladt a  történet egyre nehezebb helyzetben volt Lexi, a döntés egyre nehezebb volt.
“What happens if you and Bekah get a divorce?” she breathed, barely above a whisper. ... Jack looked down at the ground and rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet. She could see the thoughts running through his head. She could see what he wanted to say, but she knew he wouldn’t. She knew he wouldn’t say it. “What do you want me to say, Lex?” .... "Nothing"~ Lexi&Jack
 “Don’t remind me that I gave you up for this.”~Jack
“Are you happy?” “Yes.” “No, are you really, really happy? Like, you’ll never really be sad again because you have everything you want. Are you happy like that, Lex?” he asked. ... “Yes.” He shook his head and looked away from her. “Then, what are you doing here?” “What?” “If it’s him, Lex, and you’re really happy, then what are you doing here?” “Don’t ask me stupid questions. I came because you asked me to,” she whispered. He smirked at her. It was a knowing look. She had seen it a million times. How he managed it through the pain that was clear across his entire face at this point was beyond her. “Exactly. And it’s why you should leave now because I’m asking you to.” “Jack…” “I told you once that all I wanted was for you to be happy. If you are, then that’s all that matters. That’s it,” Jack said before turning and walking back into the courtroom.~Jack&Lexi
 "She’d had every reason to be mad at him. He had fucked her over ten-thousandfold over the years. She’d had her heart ripped out of her chest more times than she could count. He had slept with someone else when they had finally had a shot at working it out. He’d had sex with Lexi before proposing to Bekah. He had put a duplicate of her ring on the Bitch’s finger. And then, he had fucking married the Bitch. And still, she couldn’t be angry with him even when she wanted to be. So, she had let it go. Because the only way that she could keep going was to move on."~Lexi
 “I had no excuse for what I did with Stella because there was no excuse for what I did. I couldn’t come crawling back to you, begging you to see me as the total moron, who had slept with someone else, groveling for you to take me back. ... Lexi, whether or not Stella seduced me and I told her no five million times did not matter to me because I let you down that night. You were right. We were different. And then I slept with her. No matter what happened to get me there… that was still the outcome. I didn’t deserve you. ... I had to own up to what I’d done in New York and take responsibility for my actions. I gave in that night. The thousand times I’d said no didn’t matter because of the one time I said yes.” “It would have mattered to me.” “Well, we can’t change what happened,” Jack said, leaning back in the booth. His eyes were distant. “No matter what we might want…we have to live with our mistakes and live with our past.” “That’s all I’ve been doing…living with my mistakes,” Lexi said. “Yeah. A lot of the time, it just feels more like dying from my mistakes rather than living.”~Jack
"I’ve known Jack since I was eighteen years old. Yes, our relationship has changed since that point, and it should. We’re older, and we’ve grown up. Sometimes, I really hated him, and sometimes, I really loved him. It was hot and cold—no, burning and freezing. It was two extremes that I thought we would never be able to control, never be able to figure out. Instead, we just crashed into catastrophe over and over again.  When he married your sister, that was the end for me. I was just over everything. I didn’t even want to be me anymore. ...  It’s hard to let go of someone who has always been there."~Lexi
"You shouldn't be around me anymore. You shouldn't want to, Lex. Because all I see when I look at you is the woman I love, the woman I want to take home with me, the woman who I've spent damn near ten years messing things up with. And you should stay away because I know I'd do it all over again."~Jack
 "Things had changed. He wasn’t looking at her with that lust in his eyes. In fact, she hadn’t seen it in so long. He was trying to be there for her as the friend she deserved. He wanted her to be happy. It made her happy…and also terribly sad, which was even more confusing. She wanted Jack as a friend. It was something they had never really been able to achieve before. But having him as her friend…meant he wasn’t anything more."~Lexi
"Ramsey should have learned from my mistakes."~Jack
" We fit together perfectly, don't let anyone tell you different"~Jack
 "Well, look, I pushed so hard that I married someone without that passion, without the burning drive, and it’s all fucked-up, too, Lex. It didn’t matter that my parents loved each other because they let that love die. I never had it with Bekah…I’ve only had it with you. And I don’t want to let it die, Lex. Not ever"~Jack
“Seth has always said that you’re my girl. Well…I’m your guy. I always have been. I’ve just been too damn scared to do anything about it. But I’ll be damned if I let you slip through my fingers again. I’m yours. You’re mine. Just…be mine.”~Jack
 “I took what you said to heart, and I tried to listen to you. I tried to commit, to work through my issues, to let you go, to let you be happy. You were the catalyst, but I did those things for me. I did them to make me a better person,” he told her. “You once asked why you weren’t good enough for me when my eyes were open. It had nothing to do with you and everything to do with what was wrong with me. And Lex, I just want you to feel good enough for yourself with your eyes open.”~Jack
"Jack had told her, all those years ago, that they were fated to be together….that he wished he could go back to change the way he had acted. Nothing could erase the past though. Nothing could change what they had gone through. But Jack had changed. Over the last two years, he had grown up. He had stopped thinking that he could have his cake and eat it, too. He respected her, and now…he was fighting for her.  So, while nothing could change their past, they could change the future."~Lexi
“Sometimes, it’s easy to forget the highs with all the lows.” ...“There are always going to be lows, But I don’t think any of us could really appreciate the highs without them. And I can’t promise you that there won’t be lows. There will be, but every high will be worth it.”  “It’s just… memories.” .... “I don’t want to erase those memories. They keep us on the straight and narrow. They remind us where we went wrong and where to go from here. They kept us together,” he said. “You and I, Lex, we’ll always be unfinished business."~Lexi&Jack

John: akivel Lexi vigasztalódott, mikor szakított Ramseyvel. Be kell valljam, őt is megkedveltem. Ő a tipikus romantikus-erotikus könyvek főhőse lehetne. Jól néz ki, sikeres a munkájában, jó anyagi helyzetben van, arrogáns, mindent és mindenkit megkap akit akar, és persze Lexit akarja, aki így is két férfi között örlődik. Nem adja fel könnyen, harcol azért, hogy megszerezze Lexit, ugyanis nem ér véget kapcsolatuk akkor mikor Lexi Atlantába költözik, egy véletlen folytán az eltelt két évben folyamatosan találkoznak, kapcsolatban állnak. Persze közöttük első sorban a vonzalom játszik szerepet, de azért kb egy hónapig randiztak és ezalatt kiderült, hogy nem is olyan rossz a pasi, mint először gondoltuk. Lexiben is felmerül a kérdés, hogy mit tegyen: mi lenne ha hagyná Ramseyt, Jack-et és új életet kezdene, akár John oldalán???

“There’s someone I know who’s a lot like you—who you’ll probably get to meet him ...  And…you don’t even compare to him. ...  “He can look me in the eyes, and I’m putty in his hands. Just one look—that’s all he needs. He doesn’t even need your words,” she said, wanting him to understand. “And I never want to be like that again. It’s destructive, and it’s…wrong for the other people in my life. So, I think I should go. If you think that I’m going to fall at your feet with a few charming words and a smile, you’re sadly mistaken. You’ve got the wrong girl. Because…I’m not that girl anymore.”~Lexi
You’ve always been at the forefront of my mind. I’ve never met another woman quite like you. ... you’re different, Lexi. You know that. You don’t bullshit. You’re not afraid to speak your mind. You’re smart and beautiful. A deadly combination"~John

Tehát Lexi nagy dilemmája, hogy mit tegyen?:

"Lose Jack and be with Ramsey.
Be with Jack and lose Ramsey.
Be by herself without either of them.
Move back to New York, start a new life, rebound-fuck John all over again.
Run from her past for a future that couldn’t even begin to handle her emotional baggage"

Mind a három férfi szimpatikus lett. A könyv különböző részeiben azért szurkoltam, hogy Lexi válassza Ramseyt, aztán azért hogy Jacket, majd úgy gondoltam, hogy tiszta lapot kezdhetne Johnnal. Vagy kezdje az életét újra, és hagyja ezeket a pasikat, ne okozzon egyiknek se fájdalmat, mert valaki mindig sérül az ilyen szituációkban. Bár bárhogyan dönt, úgyis fájdalmat okoz... Mindhárom srác utolsó jelenete nagyon megfogott. Valamelyiket meg is könnyeztem.

Nagyon kíváncsi voltam, hogy dönt Lexi, nem tudom biztosan kit választottam volna a helyében, lehet nem azt, akit ő választott. Mert igazság szerint mind a három pasi mellett vannak érvek és ellenérvek. Az tuti, hogy szívesen olvasnék a két kikosarazott pasi életéről, valami „happy ending”-et várnék az ő történetük esetén is, hogy ne fájjon úgy értük a szívem. De sajnos az írónő, úgy nyilatkozott több interjúban is, hogy nem tervez több könyvet ennek a sorozatnak a keretei között. :( Talán majd ha a most folyamatban lévő sorozatait lezárja ... Nagyon örülnék neki, és ahogy nézem a rajongótáborát, más is így van vele!

Parkert sajnálom, mert nehéz dolgokon ment keresztül. Elvesztette babáját, Ramsey nagyon csúnyán bánt vele, ennek ellenére szerintem még mindig szereti és most vele kell dolgoznia, minden nap látnia kell, hogy mással van. Ennek ellenére nem akartam, hogy kibéküljenek Ramsey-vel. El akartam távolítani a képből :)
Bekah, a gonosz kígyó. Most Ramsey és Lexi kapcsolatát akarta tönkre tenni. Az sem zavarta, hogy így árt testvérének is. Mindenkin átgázol a céljai elérése érdekében. A végén azért megkapja ami jár neki, egyáltalán nem sajnáltam! :)

A könyv nagyon tetszett, tetszett a könyv felépítése, az, hogy érzelmeket váltott ki belőlem, mert nem egy szokványos történet. Ja és ami nagyon fontos: D-Bags & Kellan Kyle! :D :D 

"That Sienna was a lucky bitch if she were fucking the lead singer because he was quite possibly one of the sexiest men on the planet. Lexi was sure she would use a pass with Ramsey to get to Kellan Kyle."
 “But this isn’t about Jack. This is about Kellan Kyle.”

Szóval nekem a könyv 5* és a sorozat bekerült a kedvenceim közé!


A következő idézetet SPOILER címszó alá rejtettem, mert szerintem nagyon fontos idézet, de ezzel ki is derül kit választott Lexi és miért. Ezért csak akkor nyisd meg, ha már olvastad a könyvet, vagy előre tudni akarod :) Már érkezett hozzám olyan kérés, hogy mondjam el, kit választott a főhős, mert valaki nem akarja végigizgulni a könyvet. Van ilyen is. Én nem akarnám előre tudni. SPOILER

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